quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010

Hoje é o Dia Mundial da Filosofia

«One day, that is the unit of time devoted to debates in which each and every person should feel free to participate according to his or her convictions.
Many places, that is our unit of space, because our common goal is also to enhance arguments and counterarguments not only in one agora but in all the parts of this big house that we invite you to come and discover every year.
Finally, a unity of action, of common action, to reaffirm the true value of philosophy, that is to say the establishment of dialogue that must never cease when it comes to essential matters, and of thought which gives us back a large part of human dignity whatever our condition.»

Moufida Goucha,
Chief of the Human Security, Democracy, and Philosophical Section
Address during the first World Philosophy Day at UNESCO in 2002

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